Open letter from Parents and Carers

An open response from parents and carers of people with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis to ‘Management of Nutritional Failure in People with Severe ME/CFS: Review of the Case for Supplementing NICE Guideline NG206’ An open response from parents and carers of people with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Severe ME Inquiry

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME (APPG) has launched its inquiry into Severe ME. Action for M.E., the ME Association, and the 25% M.E. Group will be working closely to support the APPG throughout the inquiry’s duration. The purpose of the inquiry is to gather evidence to inform a chapter Read more…

Transcript of Podcast on Anaesthesia and ME

The Team at the Royal College of Anaesthetists have kindly done a transcript of the podcast on Anaesthesia and ME with Dr Anton Krige, Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Charles Shephard from the MEA and Helen Baxter, advocacy worker at 25% ME Group.