Call for people to take part in a ME research study

Published by Simon Lawrence on

Call for people to take part in a ME research study

The ME Association is funding a study led by Prof Sarah Tyson of University of Manchester (who also has ME) to develop a clinical assessment toolkit in collaboration with people with ME and clinicians in ME services

A questionnaire to measure people’s symptoms, called The Index of ME Symptom (TIMES) is now ready for testing to check that the full range of symptoms, is easy to use, and produces accurate and useful information. They will also investigate whether shorter versions can be made for specific issues (eg people with severe ME) so they don’t need to complete the whole questionnaire.   

They are looking for people who are diagnosed with ME, including those whose ME was triggered by a Covid infection, with a range of severity, duration of ME and ages to complete the TIMES by following this link There is also more information about the study.

The research team are particularly keen to include people with severe and very severe ME.  It will take 20-30 minutes to complete, but it can be done in ‘chunks’ to enable pacing. It is fine to have someone to help you complete it.  If you would prefer a paper copy or to ‘do’ the questionnaire by phone. That is fine. Just contact Sarah on to arrange.

25% ME Group is aware that when you click on the Participant Information you are asked for your Microsoft Login details so we have included the Participant Information here for you.

Participation Information Document

Categories: M.E News


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