ME Awareness 2024

Supporting People with ME/CFS in Hospital.

25% ME Group, ME Association, Action for ME and BRAME have collaborated to produce a resource Supporting People with ME/CFS in hospital. As charities, we have been approached by individuals anticipating going into hospital, hence why we produced it. The resource is designed so that you can give the relevant section(s) to the healthcare professional(s) treating you and there are some sections for you to complete in advance of any hospital admission.


Update on Interim Delivery Plan
Lee McGill (DHSC) joined the Research Working Group today to share an update on the Delivery Plan. We were pleased to hear there has been considerable work happening in the background to process the extremely high level of qualitative data and feedback received and took a long time to process. Lee reassured us that the final plan will be forthcoming and the aim is to publish it in the Autumn.

Severe ME Inquiry

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME (APPG) has launched its inquiry into Severe ME.

Action for M.E., the ME Association, and the 25% M.E. Group will be working closely to support the APPG throughout the inquiry’s duration.

The purpose of the inquiry is to gather evidence to inform a chapter on Severe and Very Severe ME to append the ‘Rethinking ME’ report, published in May 2022.

How will evidence be gathered?

Evidence will be gathered through a number of sessions, focusing on health, social care, and children & young people, with up to 4 people with ME providing evidence in each session.

The sessions will be attended by members of the APPG and healthcare, and other, professionals will be invited to both the health, and social care sessions to provide evidence.

With support from the charities involved, people will be given the option to pre-record their case study or, where possible, will be able to attend sessions online for a Q&A, with questions being provided in advance to help assist with cognitive and energy needs.

When will the report be available?

We hope to launch the report in early September, following Parliament’s summer recess, but timescales may shift depending on the needs of those giving evidence.

We will ensure that any changes to the original timeline are communicated as early as possible and regular updates will be provided on the inquiry’s progress.

ME Awareness 2024 Campaign

ME/CFS and Anaesthesia Factsheet and Podcast

This detailed new information booklet, from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, is a must for anybody with ME who anticipates they may have to have surgery. To make it ME friendly it is downloadable. Please see the 25% ME Group ME Awareness 2024 webpage at

This excellent resource has been created because people with ME had been approaching the Royal College of Anaesthetists about the lack of information around ME and anaesthesia. (25% ME Group and the ME association had also been contacted by members asking for information about anaesthesia.) Based on these requests from patients, a focus group of people with lived experience of ME and having an anaesthetic was set up by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the ME Association to gather patients’ experiences. The focus group was led by Dr Anton Krige, a consultant in Intensive Care and anaesthesia. All severities of ME, including very severe ME, were represented at the focus group and were able to input into this resource.

The factsheet:

¨ gives a brief description of what ME is and provides links to further information.

¨ serves to take the person with ME through their surgical journey from general considerations, planning and preparing for surgery, on the day of the surgery, through to discharge.

¨  uses a combination of question and answers and quotes from people with lived experience. The questions posed may cover things you might have in mind or serve as prompts for different questions you might have depending on your personal situation.

This document would be an excellent resource to take to hospital with you when you are having early discussions with the surgical/anaesthesia team. Please do give this document to anyone you know who has ME and may need surgery and to any health care professionals who may encounter ME patients, to enable them to better understand ME and anaesthesia and to be able to pass the factsheet on to any of their ME patients who might be having surgery.

Following on from the ME and Anaesthesia Factsheet, a podcast was made by the Royal College of Anaesthetists featuring Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Krige, Dr Charles Shepherd from the ME Association and Helen Baxter, advocacy worker at 25% ME Group. Go to the 25% ME Group ME Awareness 2024 page to listen to this or read the transcript. This is a wide-ranging discussion about ME and anaesthesia and includes an in depth discussion about the reasonable adjustments required by people with ME when attending hospital appointments or having an inpatient stay.

You could send a link to the factsheet and the podcast to the anaesthesia department of your local hospital to further disseminate and raise awareness of this important topic. Look at the 25% ME Group ME Awareness 2024 page for a pro-forma email. Please remember hospital departments are very busy and you may not receive a reply or acknowledgement of your email. Please do not repeatedly send the email.

ME and Anaesthesia Factsheet from the Royal College Of Anaesthetists-1

Transcript of Podcast on ME and Anaesthesia

A link to the podcast

This is a Pro forma email to send the Anaesthesia factsheet and Podcast links to the anaesthetics department of your local hospital.

Preferably send the email directly to the anaesthesia department; if you can’t find a direct email address you could send it to the Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) at your local hospital and ask them to forward it to the anaesthetics department. Please remember hospital departments are very busy and you may not receive a reply or acknowledgement of your email. Please do not repeatedly send the email.


Good morning,

I have severe ME and live in the local area. I wanted to bring to your attention two excellent resources from The Royal College of Anaesthetists.

As there was very little information on ME and anaesthesia, The Royal College of Anaesthetists working with The ME Association and people with lived experience of having ME and an anaesthetic, have co-produced a factsheet. See link ME/CFS and anaesthesia (myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome) | The Royal College of Anaesthetists (

As part of the ‘Anaesthetics on Air’ series, The Royal College of Anaesthetists has also produced a podcast on ME and Anaesthesia.

I hope these resources assist you in your clinical practice when you treat a person with ME.

Yours sincerely,

[insert your name]

A recent 25% ME Group paper documents the rising tide of research and related policy and guidance pertinent to the diagnosis and care of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis, cumulatively representing a sea change occurring over the last ten years.

Chronology 2014-24 – sea change

Call for people to take part in a ME research study

The ME Association is funding a study led by Prof Sarah Tyson of University of Manchester (who also has ME) to develop a clinical assessment toolkit in collaboration with people with ME and clinicians in ME services.

Thanks to everybody who took the time and energy to complete the PROMS questionnaire before Easter.

The third questionnaire is now ready for people to complete. The research team are keen to get input from people with severe ME.

This is the link

Information on 3rd Questionnaire

Participant Information Leaflet

Scottish Government engagement session

I am writing on behalf of the Scottish Government’s National Care Service Division, to inform you of two engagement sessions that we are running later in April/early May, and to ask if you could cascade the information to anyone who might be interested in taking part.

Scottish Government officials will be hosting two sessions to find out more about the difficulties that people suffering from ME face when accessing social care support services. The sessions are due to take place on 24 April and 1 May, from 14:00-15:00.

The first session will focus on your experiences of accessing social care and the assessment process. During the second session, which will be held the following week, we will be asking how you think the process could be improved.

Both sessions will last no longer than 1 hour each, and you are free to join for as little or as long as you can. They will both be run on Microsoft Teams. So that we can hear from everyone taking part, spaces will be limited to 8 people. If you’re interested in taking part, please email to register your interest by 19 April.

I would be very grateful if you could forward this to anyone you think might be interested in joining. I would also be very happy to have a chat beforehand if you have any questions.

Many thanks,


Colin McKnight (He/Him) | Advocacy, Access and Models of Care Unit | Directorate for Social Care and NCS Development | Scottish Government | 5 Atlantic Quay | Glasgow | G2 8LU

This podcast from the Royal College of Anaesthetists focuses on ME and Anaesthesia. Dr Anton Kruge, Dr Charles Shepherd and Helen Baxter discuss ME and anaesthesia

Transcript of Podcast on Anaesthesia and ME  

The Team at the Royal College of Anaesthetists have kindly done a transcript of the podcast on Anaesthesia and ME with Dr Anton Krige, Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Charles Shephard from the MEA and Helen Baxter, advocacy worker at 25% ME Group.

Call for people to take part in a ME research study

The ME Association is funding a study led by Prof Sarah Tyson of University of Manchester (who also has ME) to develop a clinical assessment toolkit in collaboration with people with ME and clinicians in ME services.

Thanks to everybody who took the time and energy to complete the TIMES questionnaire before Christmas.

The second questionnaire, (called the Post Activity Symptom Scale, PASS) to measure people’s PEM symptoms is now ready for testing. The research team are keen to get input from people with severe ME.

This is the link

This questionnaire is shorter and simpler to complete then the TIMES one. It can be done in ‘chunks’ to enable pacing. It is fine to have someone to help you complete it.  If you would prefer a paper copy or to ‘do’ the questionnaire by phone. That is fine. Just contact Sarah on to arrange this.

The closing date for the survey is 29th March 2024.

For many years the definition of ME/CFS has been wrongly placed in the medical textbook by Kumar & Clark. This textbook is used for educating health professionals and is dipped into by doctors and nurses as it’s user friendly. Currently, it has ME/CFS in psychiatry. Some individuals have put pressure over the years to get it changed but to no avail. Let’s hope that strength in numbers might help.
To sign the petition, here’s the link: